Assessment of environmental and policy issues relevant to the pork industry

Project goal

The aim of this project was to provide APL with an up to date understanding of current and emerging issues in the environmental space for both policy and research to enable effective planning.

Project summary

The project explored several areas of activity in the environmental space. Six megatrends were identified – zero carbon, circular economy, drought management and water security, rising customer expectations around environmental reporting, valuing natural capital and biodiversity, changing societal expectations on community amenity in rural areas and pressure this places on planning. From these, potential areas of work for APL were identified as: reducing pork carbon emissions, leveraging the carbon market, pig power (biogas), circular economy, water security, sustainable future of pork and, consistent environmental science-based regulation. 

Value for producers:

  • APL has up to date information and is able to respond proactively in the environmental research and policy space


  • Several recommendations were given around potential policy key messages and research foci that reflect the areas identified.


Research enquiries